3 years


Age Category

3 years


The balance of child initiated and teacher initiated activities provide children with the opportunity to work and play with other children, to express themselves creatively through art, music, dramatic play and language and to communicate feelings and ideas.  Throughout all we do with children, we incorporate the Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS) in the daily play-based activities of our curriculum.  We also offer weekly gym class, bi-weekly music class and daily outdoor time in our expansive playground.

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discover flexible schedules

Program Details

Our programs run from September to June with Camp offered June/July.

Three’s program offers a 5-Day Classroom and a 3-Day Classroom (TWTH) from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm.

Each classroom transitions through daily experiences: Arrival & Morning Meeting, Center Time, Individual and Small Group Activities, Clean up, Group or "Circle Time", Snack, Book Time, Outdoor (active) play and Dismissal. The sequence remains predictable, but the length for each is flexible, allowing the teachers to capitalize on students interests and activities.

Classroom schedule may look like:

Classroom Arrival

Morning Meeting

Center Time (Free Choice Time)

Individual and Small Group Activities

Clean up

Group Time (Circle Time)


Outdoor Play/Active Play



Enrollment tours, open house and information begin in early October and continues throughout the year based on class sizes.

3’s – Enrollment begins in the fall of the year prior to a child starting school.

Children must turn 3 by December 31 of the year they begin to enroll.

Contact us for tours and open house info director@fumns.com